Monday 9 March 2015

Is this how to make a new post?

In the beginning ...

So a little under 4 weeks ago I thought it might be a good idea to start learning how to code Swift .... Apple's new C++ style language.  As a programmer with over 20 years of corporate software development, I was not impressed with Objective-C when it first came out.  In an era of Java and C# I couldn't believe how Objective-C had none of the useful features we expect in modern development environments.

I've had an idea for Walkie-Stalkie for a while but the thought of dealing with Objective-C (and being tied down on other projects) left me uninterested given the learning curve.  Now that Swift is maturing and there are reasonable resource on the web for it I decided to have a look at prototyping some of the concepts to make Walkie-Stalkie work.

So here we are 1 month later and after 4 weekends of very long hours I have a rough prototype that is close to putting on Kickstarter.  The Core Location features and storyboard are done.  The virtual augmentation algorithms are all that is left before I can say with confidence that the game play will be both possible and accurate.

As we get closer to where I can start telling people about the final weeks of development I notice articles on how to have successful Kickstarter campaigns.  One requirement is to have a blog so you can communicate progress to backers and fans.  Voila ...

In the next installment I'll cover a little of what Walkie-Stalkie is and what features are implemented.  I'll also start putting together a description of myself and the "team".  These are all things that are needed for the Kickstarter write-up so it'll be killing the metaphorical both birds with the one stone.

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