Saturday 28 March 2015

Whoops!  Seems I missed a fortnight of blogging!  It's been a crazy time with work commitments, study commitments and mid-term exams, getting the final proof of concepts done to show the Kickstarter world that this isn't vaporware.

So the game targeting system is now complete, and there are a few screen animations and bling I've been working on!  We have the basic Player web services working on Google App Engine, but still just tweaking the OAuth 2 security connection from the phone to the web service.  This still probably has a day's worth on it, but the code to download and upload data through web services is all looking good.  A big shout out to Christine for yesterday's tireless effort on helping solve the OAuth 2 issues. Perhaps today she might be interested in throwing together some of the remaining web services for the rest of the app.  If I can get through my BioChem revision and Molecular Biology revision, I might get a chance this afternoon to finish the first player login.

In two days I have an exam, so here Sunday I will be studying instead of doing that last bit of coding.  Tuesday we fly to Tailgate Alaska world free-ride snowboard event for a much deserved holiday!  That means Tuesday morning I'll have 8 hours to get some work in, and then another 14 hours on the flight to LA!  For 2 weeks if we're snowed in I'll have some long days to while away and know exactly how to use them constructively!  Thompson Pass is about 80 miles out of Valdez so there won't be any other distractions! With Christine with me, we could wrap up a lot of the final functionality if the weather is real bad ... though we're still looking around an August completion after testing. 

I'm waiting today for a couple of graphics getting done so I can launch this Kickstarter campaign!  I plan to get it started 31st March!  Definitely avoiding April 1st release just for superstition purposes!  So as a teaser, check out the above proof-of-concept screens showing the local map of potential opponents, and the working screen for game play. It's getting exciting now!

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